How could art help fight poverty? The sponsor for Lake Highland’s Art Club is Mrs. Kathleen Forster, who has been overseeing and mentoring this student-run club since 2009. Club President Cleo Richardson, grade 12, partnered with Mrs. Forster and Lake Highland Alumni Ms. Karlye Block Martorelli with her charity, United Against Poverty Orlando. Although these two programs have been working with each other since 2018, many students still do not know much about what they do or how they help fight poverty in Orlando. What can be done with a work of art?
Lake Highland’s Art Club began in 2009. With the mission of, “Sharing Our Art to Benefit Our Community,” according to Mrs. Forster. But how does the Art Club achieve its mission? Mrs. Forster explained, “The LHPS Upper School Art Club begins each school year by creating motivational artworks for United Against Poverty to be displayed at their annual Hand UP luncheon for donors. The Art Club’s secretary Beatriz Beraha, grade 11, explained “Up Against Poverty is this organization we partner with every year where the goal is for students to create a piece of artwork to donate towards the charity that demonstrates a positive or uplifting message to inspire those at U. A. P.”
These upbeat artworks inspire donors to provide this organization with time and resources that can assist the constituents with a hand up from their misfortune so that they can become self-sufficient.” With such a great mission and such exceptional opportunities, students may be wondering how they can get involved. Mrs. Forster has had so many students with this question that she stated, “Any Lake Highland artist may get involved with Art Club by attending a meeting, signing up for participation, and actively participating in community service projects.” The way the club works is that the members consider requests for artwork and assistance with events on campus to determine which projects they will bring to life. Additionally, Mrs. Forster added they, “Serve the community with requested artwork and develop activities and artworks for various festivals on and off campus. Major festivals include Winter Park Teen Art Happens, Lake Highland Prep’s Fall Arts Festival, Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival, and Lake Highland Spring Sidewalk Chalk Event and Show.” With so many opportunities to get involved in the community and earn community service hours, it is obvious why so many students choose to participate in Lake Highland’s Art Club.
What is United Against Poverty? United Against Poverty is a national charity set on bringing volunteer opportunities to people across the country. Lake Highland Alumni Ms. Martorelli, is in charge of United Against Poverty’s Orlando branch. Ms. Martorelli wanted to partner with Lake Highland and specifically work with Ms. Forster’s Art Club. When talking with Mrs. Forster, Ms. Martorelli called it a, “Full circle moment” with the chance to work with her alma mater. Even if you are not interested in art but still want community service, United Against Poverty still has plenty of opportunities for everyone who wants to earn service hours. This includes cleaning and organizing stock shelves, sorting and donating clothing, and taking inventory in their “Emergency Pantry.” Even if you are bored over the weekend there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer with your friends.
Why do current members stay in this club? From what Mrs. Forster has noticed, she stated that, “Lake Highland art students create art with their hearts. As a result, serving is a natural extension of this love of art.” Each year, new members are voted on and elected to help come up with ideas for new volunteer opportunities and dates in which members can participate. Why did Mrs. Forster want to sponsor this club? What made this club stand out from the others is that Mrs. Forster believes that she, “Chose to develop and work with Art Club to provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership capacities and have a safe place to share ideas, visit, and create personal projects.” Mrs. Forster’s room in Highland House is known across the campus as a place for creativity, collaboration, and relaxing space. Students come in during P.R.I.M.E. Time and lunch to create art and relax. Because of this unique environment, plenty of students who are not enrolled in any art classes or are members of the Art Club who come in to create art and help create projects that the Art Club and United Against Poverty will use.
Beatriz Beraha, grade 11, is the current secretary for the Art Club. Like most students who join this club she thinks, “this club is a safe space where I can just sit down, be creative, and have my friends alongside me while also helping serve and give back to my community.” Beraha believes that “Art Club is a very fun and relaxing club where you can make art, participate in events, earn service hours, best of all you do not have to be good at art to join!” Beraha encourages students to join or at least come and sit in on a meeting to get a better idea of what the club is about and what they do. Even if you have never made art before, “Art Club is open to all levels and anyone who wants to learn or continue making art.” But what truly makes Art Club special for Beatriz is “Art Club is really special in so many ways, but I think one of the main reasons it is such a special club is because of the bonds we create. Everyone in Art Club is tied together by their love for making art, and Art Club is a chance for students to get together with their friends and just relax by making art. Not only that, Art Club gets to do so many fun events throughout the year and a lot of them incorporate service hours, like U. A. P. We also host our annual sidewalk chalk day for Arts Week, arts festivals, arts sales, and so much more.” Art Club also has opportunities for those who are not in the club to have a chance to work with the club at these festivals.
United Against Poverty is a unique organization that everyone can be a part of even if they do not like art, or have never tried it. With so many opportunities to help those in need not just in your local communities but across the country. With so many chances to earn service hours and activities to do with friends and family, The United Against Poverty organization is one of the best in the country to help get service hours in your community. United Against Poverty is an incredible opportunity for anyone looking to serve the community through school. So go join Lake Highland’s Art Club and make a difference in our community.