Every other Monday, Seniors at Lake Highland enjoy the privilege of eating lunch off campus with their friends. The 75-minute lunch period, gained with the addition of block scheduling in 2020, allows students plenty of time to enjoy a quick trip to a fast food stop. In previous years, off-campus lunch could only be offered a few times a quarter, as lunch was shorter, so the entire schedule would have to rearrange to make the accommodation. Emily Robertson, grade 12, commented on the privilege saying, “It is a great opportunity for friends to bond and learn the responsibilities of time management.” If Seniors don’t arrive to their 5th-period class on time from lunch, their next off-campus will be revoked. This is a great opportunity for the class to learn responsibility before going to college where they will have to manage their own schedules.
Sarah Finfrock, grade 12, is the Copy Editor and Director of Photography of Lake Highland Preparatory School's Upper School newspaper Twice-Told Tale, and...