Dancing Donations Fight Pediatric Cancer

(Above) The Dance Marathon Members plan a theme each year, this year being Candy Land, and come up with cre- ative activities that correlate with the theme. Ms. Katie Gallagher expresses how proud she is of the group saying that they,“Did an amazing job raising funds and coming up with a fun way to celebrate our success.” Photo of total 2022 funds courtesy of @lhpsdm Instagram.

Eva Cooper, Staff

Every year, Lake Highland Preparatory School students work alongside faculty members and college students from The University of Central Florida in order to raise funds to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Lake Highland’s donations go specifically to Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children located in Downtown Orlando. Arnold Palmer boasts Central Florida’s only pediatric Level One Trauma Center and emergency room. They are devoted to finding a specialized path of recovery for each child, while simultaneously supporting the children’s families. According to Davis Broadaway, a student leader of Dance Marathon, grade 12, “Dance Marathon means giving hope and chances to kids that might not have the resources to be able to.”
Each year, a group of students at Lake Highland dedicates themselves to raising money for the children. Last year, in 2022, the school raised $22,344.68 for Arnold Palmer Hospital. This year, however, the students set their goal even higher at $23,000.00. It takes an entire community to raise that kind of money. The students use their resources and partner with restaurants around the school in order to collect partial proceeds. They also reach out to local businesses to find items to raffle off for funds. All of this, along with events hosted at school to raise money, takes quite a bit of planning. The group of Dance Marathon officers meets with each other often to ensure that everything is going according to plan. Broadaway reflects on the meetings and planning process saying, “It [was] so lively and fun.”

Not only does it affect the children receiving the donations, but also the students conducting the event. Broadaway noted, “It impacted me in such a big way.” By working so closely with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, the students are able to really see the impact that their donations make for the hospital patients and families. Ms. Katie Gallagher, LHPS Dance Marathon Sponsor, reminisces on her favorite Dance Marathon memory saying, “It was prior to Covid, and we were able to go to the hospital and see directly where our money was going.”

Dance Marathon is a truly perspective altering experience for many students, especially because, “Many of our students were born in the hospital, and we have LHP parents and alumni that work in the hospital,” says Ms. Katie Gallagher. Additionally, each year the students dedicate a week prior to the event to what they call “Why Week.” During this week, the Dance Marathon members inform the other students and faculty on campus about the importance of the event and where their money is going. Because of this, the students are able to learn more about the children in the hospital and understand the hardships that they had to overcome. This allows the campus to connect on a more personal level with the cause.

Many of the students who participate in Dance Marathon will continue to support the cause after graduating from Lake Highland. Ms. Katie Gallagher explains that, “Dance Marathon is a huge deal in the college world.” All members involved are devoted and enjoy their time supporting the cause. “I wanted to be a part of Dance Marathon the minute I found out what the cause was,” says Davis Broadaway. Overall, the experience is beneficial for all and one that is very memorable.

(Above) The Dance Marathon Members plan a theme each year, this year being Candy Land, and come up with creative activities that correlate with the theme. Ms. Katie Gallagher expresses how proud she is of the group saying that they,“Did an amazing job raising funds and coming up with a fun way to celebrate our success.” Photo of total 2022 funds courtesy of @lhpsdm Instagram.
(Above) Lake Highland is one of many campuses that participate in Dance Marathon. Across all of the Miracle Network, over 400 campuses host a Dance Marathon raising over 350 million dollars for the children since it began in 1991. Additionally, many, “ LHP alum have participat[ed] at their college dance marathons,” says Ms. Katie Gallagher. Photo courtesy of @lhpsdm Instagram.
(Above) Dance Marathon continues to unite LHP’s community by encouraging students to come together and apply their talents to benefit a good cause. These students will never forget the hard work that they put into the event and how it impacted themselves and their community.
Many of these students will also continue to work with Dance Marathon throughout their college years. Photo courtesy of @lhpsdm Instagram.