Traveling is a powerful privilege because it can make you realize your norm is only YOUR norm. Being immersed in a different way of living forces you to take into consideration the things you’re used to that other countries aren’t. This is a good thing,
really, because it’s likely to break down preconceived notions of how you should live and maybe even change it for the better. Whether it’s visiting New York and finding you have to walk everywhere, or arriving in Columbia and having your hot chocolate
served with salted cheese, being exposed to other cultures can absolutely be fun and even beneficial.
Exploring the world has easily consciously and subconsciously impacted who I am today. Having been to Europe, I’ve gained a newfound respect for different countries like Italy or Spain. Italians are noticeably more expressive, as a result making me feel comfortable using my hands when I talk and not being afraid to take up space. Spain’s culture is super laid-back, ergo, leading me to often incorporate beneficial habits like what they call siesta time, or an after-lunch nap, which helped me pace my day better than my routine before visiting Spain.
Because traveling is so observably valuable, it is extremely fortunate that we are blessed enough to learn that Lake Highland is offering an international field trip. AP Human Geography and AP Environmental Science teachers Mr. Andrew Prazeres and Ms. Gloria Boisvert are excited to host and guide us through this! This is a unique opportunity for high school students mainly because they get to experience a rare and raw perspective on their own (with guidance from their teachers) of a completely different culture before going to college with Costa Rica being the perfect place to do so.
Costa Rica, or “rich coast” in Spanish, is an objectively impressive country. From having one of the highest life expectancies in the world, to their remarkable 92.62 percent of energy generated from green resources, Costa Rica is truly a wonder. The country is so positive. In fact, a common saying for residents is “pura vida,” meaning, “pure/simple life”. This is often used to say hello or goodbye. Besides the fact that 25% of Costa Rica is under conservation, it also holds 500,000 different species of wildlife.
Unquestionably, Costa Rica is one of, if not, the perfect places to take a seven-day long trip. As Mr. Prazeres explained, “The country’s lush rainforests, breathtaking landscapes, and dedication to preserving its ecosystems make it an ideal backdrop for our ecological and cultural exploration.” Mr. Prazeres also lived in Costa Rica for two years, which is one of the top five safest countries in the world. This validates Mr. Prazeres’s statement that, “Costa Rica is the happiest and kindest place that I have ever been.”
The itinerary for the upcoming trip is even more enticing. Along with visiting hanging bridges, waterfalls, and volcanos, students get to fly through zip lines, kayak in gorgeous waters, whitewater raft with friends, and even participate in a cooking class. With this fun-packed schedule, Mr. Prazeres ensured there would still be, “Moments for students to bond, reflect, and appreciate their surroundings.” This trip is designed to engage and enrich students while also being able to bond with their peers and deepen students’ understanding of places outside of their normal environments.
Costa Rica is a magical place, and most who go come back feeling reenergized and reconnected to themselves. Mr. Prazeres states, “I am genuinely excited about the impact this journey will have on our students.” Traveling changes people for the better. Traveling anywhere is a very lucky privilege. So to be able to go to Costa Rica, and be able to get educated and have fun at the same time, is an opportunity you can not pass up.
“This immersive journey offers students the chance to deepen their understanding of environmental sustainability and cultural diversity.” – Andrew Prazeres

quite a number of cow pastures and coffee plantations nearby. With roughly 10,000 inhabitants, this is definitely a small city. As the majority of Costa Rica practices the Catholic religion. A town isn’t whole without a church. (Andrew Prazeres)