When Coach Megan Maerkl was asked about how the Lake Highland Cheer Team is taking steps towards their upcoming 2024 season, she responded by saying, “Every practice, we condition, jump, and stunt in order to prepare our bodies for the rigorous competition season.” Behind every pep rally and every sporting event, there are hours of hard work and dedication. Being a part of any team is a commitment, and every team member on the LHPS cheer team takes pride in that. Throughout the season, members learn time management, lead by example, and perform as committed athletes. Rarely getting to see behind the curtain, the cheer team is far more than what the average student might suspect.
Newly appointed Coach Maerkl is taking the team toward their goals. Being a part of the Lake Highland Cheer Team means commitment and dedication. The girls show that every week they wake up for daily morning practices on Mondays and Wednesdays. When asked how these practices help build character throughout the season, Coach Maerkl stated that it helps them in, “Three ways: we find the athletes are more focused and ready for the school day when they start with an early morning workout.” She continued to say that morning practices are more practical for students with busy schedules and scheduling issues. Coach Maerkl ends saying, “Cheer is supportive of the student-athlete as an active member of our Highlander community in many ways outside of our sport.”
Student-athlete support is important, and seeing them support others is special. Lake Highland has put in place the Adopt-A-Player mentoring program where members of the cheer and football team are able to visit students in the Lower School, creating and building relationships with each other. The program highlights what it means to be a Highlander. As part of their schedule before Friday games, the cheerleaders are served a complimentary breakfast before greeting the kids.
Practices at 6:00 a.m., and team building week after week, builds the cheer team that the LHPS community sees. Coach Maerkl seeks to uplift her athletes. When asked how being on the team inspires each cheerleader she responded by saying, “Service, diligence, and gratitude are three important values. We are thankful for the opportunity to interact with and support our Highlander community while highlighting our athleticism.” This is who the LHPS cheer team is at the core.