As my Uber rolled along the streets of Washington, D.C., the U.S. Capital Building came into view. From a distance, the white dome looked so small and hidden. But in just a few months, that building would change the entire world. So far, the 2024 Presidential Election has been one of the most shocking elections in U.S. history. No one could have predicted that people would attempt to assassinate Former President Donald Trump, nor that President Joe Biden would drop out of the race eight days later. Mrs. Stacy Efstathiou, AP U.S. History teacher, said, “Many of the U.S. history teachers I know are fascinated by the similarities between the 1968 election and the current one.” Mrs. Efstathiou stated these similarities include a, “Surprising election year announcement by an incumbent who had decided not to seek re-election (Johnson in 1968 and Biden in 2024).” However, this election has many more groundbreaking events beyond a candidate drop out.
With Kamala Harris as the second female Democratic nominee in U.S. history, the nation is holding its breath for what is already destined to be a historic election. It isn’t just politicians who should be involved in discussions surrounding the election. In fact, the race for presidency first and foremost affects the citizens of the United States, and it’s affected by voters—including Lake Highland students who have already turned 18. In order to focus on who this election really impacts and how they will be impacted, it’s important to look into the Lake Highland community.
LHP’s Young Democrats club offers some insight into this. The Young Democrats club, led by Aleena Reddy, grade 12, made its annual debut on August 23 at the LHP club fair. Its main focus was increasing voter registration and advocacy for social change. Rho Kappa, the National Social Studies Honor Society, led by Hudson Hurst, grade 12, has similar goals, in another government-related club at Lake Highland.
In the last presidential election, there was the biggest voter turnout in U.S. history, with a record of 81 million votes for President Joe Biden. About 66% of eligible voters voted in that election. Now, with the 2024 Presidential Race popping in and out as the number one trending topic on X and Google, it’s possible that even more voters will show up to the booths this year. Lake Highland’s community reflects such high interest. Aleena Reddy said the Young Democrats club, “Ended up getting more than 60 students registered,” this year. This is an impressive number for a club dedicated to increasing voter registration.
The statistics demonstrate a positive attitude towards voting at Lake Highland, yet Mrs. Efstathiou said many students don’t know important information such as the fact that, “They can pre-register [to vote] at 16.” She also explained, “All voters and potential voters should be aware of the registration requirements in their state.” This information and encouragement comes in abundance at club meetings for Rho Kappa and Young Democrats. However, it’s not only voter efficiency that these clubs help with. Aleena Reddy said, “As LHP’s only political club [Young Democrats], we hope to be a place for people of all political ideologies to share their opinions and respectfully learn from one another.” This type of space is necessary for any politically healthy community.
Reddy aims to establish this type of community by, “Encouraging political discussion and debate in our [Young Democrats] meetings.” As for encouraging voter participation at Lake Highland, new opportunities are arising. Mrs. Efstathiou said, “Lake Highland students will have an opportunity to register or pre-register [to vote] during Rho Kappa’s Constitution Day Celebration…on Friday, September 20.” Oftentimes, voters get caught up in which candidate seems to be winning, but it’s important to remember that things can change quickly.
Polls don’t always reflect who will win an election. In 2016, for example, Former First Lady and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton led the polls nationally for a long time, but she ended up losing the electoral vote. What can provide more insight is how voters view the election and why. Aleena Reddy said the Young Democrats club members are, “Excited to see a historical presidential election taking place.” So, as the 2024 Presidential Election moves forward, it’s important not only to remember that the election affects us, but that we affect it. Lake Highland’s campus and student body are ready to bring forward new, competent voters for a nation that meets everyone’s needs. Everyone’s vote makes a difference even if we believe it doesn’t.